NOVA University Lisbon has launched its first online course on entrepreneurship, entitled “Academia de Empreendedorismo” (Entrepreneurship Academy). Accessible to all interested parties and available through the NAU platform, managed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the course is completely free and open to anyone wishing to develop an innovative project and acquire management skills.
It is a free, short course, to be done at one’s own pace, taught in Portuguese and aimed not only at university students, but to all those who want to learn more about how to manage their own professional projects. At the end, students can receive an academic credit (ECTS).
Step by step, the best faculty from different Schools of NOVA reveal basic concepts of entrepreneurship and invite founders of startups to share their experiences.
The Entrepreneurship Academy is structured in six modules, with several classes that range from knowing how to make a business plan and/or an adequate pitch to different interlocutors, approach clients and partners, set prices, identify opportunities to finance the project, protect copyrights and intellectual property, identify team profiles according to the type of project or understand the legal principles to create a company. Each class lasts between five and ten minutes, for a total of eighteen classes.
Module 1: The Entrepreneurial Process and High Performance Teams| Pedro Neves & Susana Carvalho
Module 2: Marketing Principles | António Marinho Torres
Module 3: Value Proposition & Market Analysis | Rogério Puga Leal
Module 4: Business Plan & Financing | Paulo Pinho
Module 5: Intellectual Property & Legal aspects to start your Business | Sérgio Henriques
Module 6: Pitch | Sofia Esteves