NOVA University Innovation
An impactful innovation ecosystem with NOVA University Innovation at its heart.
NOVA is committed to promote a knowledge-based and high-impact value creation activity through collaborations with society and industry.
The NOVA Innovation digital platform ensures a virtual existence of the main NOVA’s value creation hubs and initiatives related to the University’s Third Mission.
This platform works as a “one–stop–shop” within the University, where NOVA’s technologies and advanced services are showcased, and where the NOVA community can access and be informed about the main initiatives related to innovation and entrepreneurship.
It has the dual function of internal and external visibility: it aggregates the main information and opportunities related to entrepreneurship, intellectual property, research commercialization and university-industry collaborations for the NOVA’s student and research communities, being also the gateway for potential investors, companies and other non-academic institutions wishing to collaborate or acquire NOVA technologies or specialized services.
Tem a dupla função de visibilidade interna e externa: por um lado, reúne as principais informações e oportunidades relacionadas com o empreendedorismo, propriedade intelectual, comercialização de investigação e colaborações com a indústria e sociedade para a comunidade de estudantes, docentes e investigadores da NOVA, e por outro funciona como porta de entrada para potenciais investidores, empresas e outras instituições não académicas que desejam colaborar, adquirir tecnologias ou obter serviços especializados da NOVA.