INVISIBLE, winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020

Elvira Fortunato, is the winner of the European prize Horizon Impact Award 2020. INVISIBLE, the only Portuguese project among the 10 finalists, was distinguished on September 23, 2020 during the event “European Research and Innovation Days”.

The INVISIBLE project, by scientist and NOVA’s Vice-Rector, Professor Elvira Fortunato, allowed the development of the first display produced with eco-sustainable materials, currently marketed by several companies. It is a new technological area at the service of different industries such as inkjet printing and smart medical diagnostics. INVISIBLE was developed at the Centro de Investigação de Materiais (CENIMAT), of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da NOVA, in partnership with SAMSUNG.

“Horizon Impact Award 2020” distinguishes the projects funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme, whose results created social impact in Europe and the world.

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