NOVA leads Innovation Challenges at EUTOPIA MORE Discovery Week in Romania

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, hosted the Discovery Week, from April 15 to 19, a key event under the EUTOPIA MORE program focused on Innovation Challenges. Coordinated by NOVA University Lisbon, the Innovation Challenges brought together students from ten partner universities to collaborate on real-world problem-solving. Throughout the week, students from across Europe engaged in challenge-based activities with Romanian partners from the public and private sectors.

The Discovery Week aimed to promote local engagement and cross-disciplinary collaboration through a series of sessions, group work, and pitch presentations. Students worked together to address practical problems, creating innovative solutions.

The week culminated in pitch presentations, where student groups presented their proposed solutions to a panel of experts. The challenge-based format fostered critical thinking and teamwork, emphasizing solutions that could be implemented to make a positive impact in local communities.

This initiative in Romania demonstrated NOVA´s commitment to fostering innovation and cross-cultural understanding.

The next edition will be held in November in Cergy Université Paris.

For more information about Discovery Week and the Innovation Challenges, visit the EUTOPIA University website.