22 February 2021
Sea4US is a biopharmaceutical start-up company focused on the discovery and development of new pharmaceutical drugs based on novel marine compounds for unmet clinical needs.
Sea4Us core activities are based on Compound Library Generation, Drug Discovery and Preclinical Development. The main goal of the company is to generate new chemical entities to be approved into Clinical Trials. Sea4Us is currently developing a therapy for Chronic Pain, a syndrome that affects 21% of the world population and that can cause disability, leading to an enormous social and economic burden. The novel analgesic being developed by Sea4Us will tackle moderate to severe Chronic Pain types with no current adequate treatment. Due to its nature, the Sea4Us Drug Discovery & Development Platform allows the identification of novel pharmaceutical drugs for several other unmet clinical needs. It can be used to identify novel modulators for ion channels involved in different pathologies such as Epilepsy, Diabetes, Cardiac arrhythmia, Hypertension and Skin diseases, among others.