CAPSEL – Cellulose Aluminium Polymer multi-ions composite Solid-electrolyte and Capacitors [NI-TECH-2020-18]
CAPSEL is a low cost and efficient cellulose aluminium polymer multi-ions solid electrolyte, with ionic conductivity in the range of 0,1-10 mS/cm.
CAPSEL has been produced by a simple process which enables thin and large area battery and supercapacitor production. An electrolyte with inherent potential towards Aluminium (Al) based batteries that may represent a good alternative to Lithium (Li) based batteries as Al is an abundant, cheaper and less reactive metal compared to Li. The formulation of CAPSEL is based on biodegradable polymeric binder and cellulose as major constituents of the electrolyte and also enables the power supply of low-cost and large area disposable applications like e-paper, smart labels and smart packing.
A proof of concept has been developed in the framework of an ERC proof of concept project (CAPSEL) where a stable solid electrolyte was developed and applied in capacitors.
CAPSEL is a solid electrolyte containing multi-ions, cellulose and Al and has good thermal stability, durability in service, lightweight with green materials and easy to recycle.
a) The paper cellulose matrix incorporates multi-ions, polymer and Al;
b) The electrolyte is stable up to 100ºC.;
c) The temperature does not greatly influence the ionic conductivity up to 45ºC.;
d) A capacitor made with this electrolyte show a good stability up to 5.000 cycles with charge/discharge of 1 mA.
TRL 4 – technology validated in lab.
• Applicable to Al based batteries – low cost and environmental-friendly composition and production;
• High ionic conductivity – stable with temperature, stable at atmospheric conditions;
• Characteristics – light weight, flexible, paper based, possible large area production.
The electrolyte developed is important for Al based batteries and capacitors, can be easily applied in different type of electrodes and batteries/capacitors geometries and configuration.
Available for licensing, Seeking co-development partners
Electrolyte; Aluminium based; High ionic conductivity; Temperature stability; Environmentally friendly; Supercapacitor; Battery.
NOVA Inventors
Isabel Maria Mercês Ferreira