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NTPE Lda is a spin-off incorporated based on the research carried out in the excellence research centers CENIMAT (Centro de Investigação em Materiais) and CEMOP (Centro de Excelência de Microelectrónica e Optoelectrónica e Processos) in FCT NOVA.

The company was founded by a team of researchers from these centers, together with Frontier IP Group Plc, a dedicated company on the commercialisation of new IP. The aim is to develop commercially “Paper-E” technology to exploit research results that take advantage of paper electronics as an alternative in the circular economy. The development of the paper transistor allows us to replace silicon used in electronics with environmentally sustainable materials, such as metal oxides and cellulose, opening a wide range of potential industrial applications. We are focused on applications related to paper-based diagnostic kits, and fraud prevention (e.g. notes, passports) and smart packaging systems.