

  1. Available Services
  2. Available Technologies
  3. Events
  4. Industry Calls
  5. Innovation Stories
  6. Mentors
  7. News
  8. Numbers
  9. Recognized Spin-offs
  10. Team


  1. 'Resíduos na Linha' emerges victorious at the Circular InNOVA(tion) Program Demo Day
  2. "Research Impact Narratives Challenge” Receives Honourable Mention at the ADN Awards
  3. 10000
  4. 11
  5. 225
  6. 360º Video and 3D audio recording and post-production [NI-SERV-2020-19]
  7. 3D Printer - Form 2 [NI-SERV-2020-30]
  8. 3D Printer - Ultimaker2+ [NI-SERV-2020-31]
  9. 3D printing of bone-like structures for bone replacement in animals [NI-TECH-2020-17]
  10. 50 students from NOVA nominated to the Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme
  11. 670
  12. 98
  13. Accessible and Transformational Therapeutic Approaches for Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
  14. Adam Smith
  15. Advanced Materials for Incorporating Immobilised Enzymes: Preparation, Processes and Applications in Chemical Catalysis
  16. Advanced Materials for the Generation of Bio-Based Products via Immobilised Non-Mammalian Organisms
  17. Advanced thin-walled beam finite elements [NI-SERV-2020-35]
  18. Advances in Machine Learning [NI-SERV-2020-27]
  19. AI Model for automatic transcription of handwritten documents
  20. Albatroz Digital
  21. Alternative Chemistries to Liquid PFAS
  22. Alternative natural and biocompatible, cell cryopreservation media
  23. Analytical Techniques Development and Application [NI-SERV-2020-58]
  24. Anceus
  25. André Pereira
  26. Antibiotic-free Microbial Expression and Genetic Systems
  27. Antimalarial Agent, Methods and Uses Thereof
  28. Antimicrobial Compounds From Natural Sources
  29. António Câmara
  30. Aqua In Silico Featured on the Podcast ‘90 Seconds of Science’
  31. Aqua In Silico Featured on the Podcast ‘90 Seconds of Science’
  32. AquaInSilico
  33. AquaInSilico wins Innovation and Business Development Award
  34. Audio recording and audio post-production studios [NI-SERV-2020-14]
  35. Autoimmune & Inflammatory Focused Drug Discovery and Early Pre-Clinical Development
  36. Be Glass: Production and Characterization of Glass Samples [NI-SERV-2020-39]
  37. Beat the Butt®: Cigarette Case with Integrated Butt Holder
  38. Bernardo SottoMayor
  39. Bernardo Vasconcelos
  40. Betacode
  41. Bicycle® Toolbox: A Novel Chemical Modality to Explore the Role of OX40 Agonism in Disease
  42. BiLD Analytics
  43. Binaural audio recording [NI-SERV-2020-16]
  44. Biodegradable Micro-encapsulation of Agricultural Active Ingredients
  45. Biodegradable Molecules with Antimicrobial Properties for use in Cosmetic Formulations
  46. BioLab - Biological and Chemical Analysis Facility [NI-SERV-2020-42]
  47. Biotechnology Innovations in Plant Science, Agriculture and Food
  48. BIOTROP - Biotropical Resources Biobank [NI-SERV-2020-20]
  49. Bitumen Beyond Combustion: Seeking Non-combustion Uses for Asphaltenes Derived from Bitumen
  50. Block Windowed Burst Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Transmission Method with Window Overlapping and Time-Interleaving
  51. BLOODless – Blood-free Diet for Rearing Malaria Mosquito Vectors
  52. Bruno Nascimento
  53. CaixaImpulse Programme: Half of the portuguese projects selected by the "la Caixa" Foundation are by NOVA Researchers
  54. CAPSEL – Cellulose Aluminium Polymer multi-ions composite Solid-electrolyte and Capacitors [NI-TECH-2020-18]
  55. Care4it
  56. Carla Portela
  57. Celebrate World Intellectual Property Day with NOVA
  58. CellmAbs
  59. César Nogueira
  60. Check out the NOVA Innovation Day
  61. Chemical Analysis Laboratory - LAQV-REQUIMTE
  62. Chimeric Antigen Receptor Construct for Novel Oncology CAR-T Cell Therapy
  63. Chroma key video studio [NI-SERV-2020-15]
  64. Circular inNOVA(tion) is the latest partnership with Sociedade Ponto Verde
  65. Circular inNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
  66. Circular inNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
  67. Circular InNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
  68. Circular InNOVA(tion): Phase Two!
  69. Cláudia Quaresma
  70. Clinical research unit of NOVA [NI-SERV-2020-01]
  71. Colorimetric Method for Detection of Amplified Genetic Material
  72. ColoRIR represent NOVA at Born from Knowledge - Ideas
  73. com@Rehab project - Santander-NOVA Collaborative Research Award
  74. Composition for Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases
  75. Compound for Treating Fungal Infections
  76. Compound with Antimalarial and Antimicrobial Activity
  77. Computational Model to Guide Molecular Glue Drug Discovery
  78. Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing Insights [NI-SERV-2020-29]
  79. Controlled Activation of Amine or Amide Hardeners for Industrial Coatings
  80. Controlled Release of Orally Delivered Dosage Forms
  81. Crystalsense – electronic nose using novel gas sensing materials
  82. CrystalTwins – gas sensing technology for fine alcohol discrimination [NI-TECH-2020-20]
  83. Cutin oligomers for prevention and treatment of plant diseases
  84. David Magboulé
  85. Dendritic cell-based therapies for cancer treatment
  86. Des Solutio
  87. Design and Fabrication of Suspended, Thin Film Devices
  88. Design of an Engineered Alcohol Dehydrogenase
  89. Design of Digital and Sustainable Supply Chains [NI-SERV-2020-48]
  90. Design, Experimentation and Simulation in Engineering [NI-SERV-2020-59]
  91. Developing a pocket-size test for COVID-19
  92. Device to help patients with respiratory diseases using the inhaler wins NOVA ImpACT! Challenges
  93. Diana Franco da Silva
  94. Differentiated Solutions for Long-term Resolution of Chronic Autoimmunity
  95. Digital innovation and business transformation services [NI-SERV-2020-26]
  96. Dina Chaves
  97. Druggable Antibacterial Targets and Bactericidal Compounds
  98. Druggable Targets in Diseases Due to Mucociliary Dysfunction and Bronchiectasis
  99. Dzhamil Oda
  100. eBreathie wins NOVA Start-Up Competition!
  101. Eduardo Freire Rodrigues
  102. EK reactor - electrodialytic technology as a pre-treatment for wastewater reuse applications [NI-TECH-2020-05]
  103. Empowerment of Patients' Associations [NI-SERV-2020-43]
  104. Engineered enzyme-like polymer particles for catalytic processes [NI-TECH-2020-31]
  105. Enhancing Targeted Drug Delivery for Diseases Affecting the CNS, Muscle, Heart, and Kidney
  106. Environmental Burden of Disease Analysis [NI-SERV-2020-37]
  107. Exploring Common Pathological Mechanisms Translatable to Skin Diseases
  108. Explosion Energy Dissipation System
  109. Eyal Amitai
  110. FCT NOVA researchers help develop open source pulmonary ventilator
  111. Fernanda Llussá
  112. First edition of the ImPact @ NOVA is here!
  113. From fighting cancer to COVID-19
  114. Generation of iPSC-derived T Cells for Therapeutic Use
  115. Genetic Medicine Approaches to Treat Rare Diseases
  116. GeoBioTec / NOVA - Expertise [NI-SERV-2020-34]
  117. Gil Batista
  118. Glooma
  119. GLOOMA is the big winner of NOVA Startup Competition 2024!
  120. Green infrastructures, ecosystems based-management and nature-based solutions. Tools for sustainable land management [NI-SERV-2020-50]
  121. Green plastic antibodies
  122. Green syngas from carbon dioxide
  123. Guilherme Meneses
  124. Hélder Lopes
  125. Here are the winners of Starters Academy 2024!
  126. High Throughput Plant Regulatory Element Evaluation Capability
  127. High-speed 3D Scanning Technologies for Oral Applications
  128. Home Fragrance Delivery, Noticeability and Modelling in the Air
  129. How the Microbiome can be Affected Positively for Health and Wellbeing
  130. Hugo Gamboa
  131. ImPact @ NOVA | Health & Biotech | Powered by Patentree
  132. ImPact @ NOVA | Powered by J. Pereira da Cruz
  133. ImPact @ NOVA held successfuly
  134. ImPact @ NOVA: Software+AI | Powered by J. Pereira da Cruz
  135. Improving the Fermentation of Filamentous Fungi
  136. Improving the Precision of Immunotherapies Through Cell Targeting
  137. In Vivo Arthropod Security Facility – VIASEF [NI-SERV-2020-21]
  138. In-Silico, Predictive Formulation Development Tools and Computational Methods
  139. Inês Perez
  140. Innovation district brings a new geography of innovation and internationalization to the greater lisbon region
  141. Innovation in Intraocular Lenses and Injectors for Cataract Surgery
  142. Innovations in Platform Technologies: New Modalities and Drug Delivery Systems
  143. Innovations to Treat and Diagnose Lymphatics-Based Diseases
  144. Innovative Approaches for the Treatment of Nucleotide Repeat Expansion Disorders
  145. Innovative DMPK and Safety Research for Therapeutics and Drug Delivery Systems
  146. Innovative one-pot method for synthesis of a chemical building block in human healthcare, from succinic acid in carbon dioxide and ionic liquid media. [NI-TECH-2020-27]
  147. Innovative process for obtaining multiple Polymer Ionic Liquid (PILs) gels electrolytes from renewable source
  148. Innovative Therapeutic Targets, Drugs, Disease Mechanisms and Technologies in Neuroscience
  149. Innovative Therapies for the Treatment of SkinDisorders
  150. Insights into Polycystic Kidney Disease Pathogenesis
  151. Intuitivo is the winner of the NOVA Start-Up Competition!
  152. INVISIBLE, winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020
  153. Isabel Rocha
  154. Javali
  155. João Caxaria
  156. João Mendes Borga
  157. João Paiva Mendes
  158. José Falcão de Berredo
  159. José Pereira Leal
  160. Knowledge to improve cities [NI-SERV-2020-28]
  161. Koala Tech
  162. Laboratory of Leptospirosis and Lyme Borreliosis [NI-SERV-2020-22]
  163. Laser System PLS6MW: Cutting and Engraving Machine [NI-SERV-2020-32]
  164. Lean, Agile and Digital Healthcare Systems [NI-SERV-2020-47]
  165. Levacells
  166. Life sciences and health solutions highlighted in the first edition of sciencepreneur hands-on
  167. Limonene ibuprofen therapeutic deep eutectic system for Anticancer Therapy [NI-TECH-2020-10]
  168. Linux Ubuntu server [NI-SERV-2020-23]
  169. Lourenço Gouveia Booth
  170. Low energy electron interactions with gas-phase molecules for pharmaceutical applications
  171. Low-cost and high-performance 3D printed advanced ceramic materials [NI-TECH-2020-16]
  172. Lung function assessment and inflammatory biomarkers of the airways [NI-SERV-2020-02]
  173. Magycal
  174. Marco António Silva
  175. Maria Catarina Batista
  176. Mariana Duarte
  177. Mario Chessa
  178. Marta Sousa Monteiro
  179. Measuring Pollutants in Museus or other Institutions with Cultural Heritage [NI-SERV-2020-55]
  180. Mechanism of Exosome Uptake from the Gastrointestinal Tract
  181. Meight Technologies
  182. Menthol-fatty acids eutectic systems as anti-bacterial agents and wound healing enhancers
  183. Metabolomics Data Analysis Service [NI-SERV-2020-38]
  184. Method for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates using phototrophic mixed cultures and CO2 as carbon source
  185. Methods of CO2 Conversion to Chemical Products by Catalytic Routes
  186. METROVAC - Laboratory for vacuum technology and metrology [NI-SERV-2020-40]
  187. Microencapsulation for Agrochemical Formulations
  188. Microfluidic device intergrading a selectively permeable membrane and a 3D vascular network for the in vitro development of anatomical-functional barrier
  189. Microplastics research and analyses [NI-SERV-2020-53]
  190. Miguel Alves Martins
  191. Modatta and Yourbiome are the winners of the NOVA STARTUP Competition
  192. Molecular Strategies for Targeted Drug Delivery to the Joints
  193. Nano4 Global
  194. Nathália Rosa Braga
  195. Naturity®, by Amorim Cork and NOVA School of Science and Technology
  196. Necessity is the mother of invention - Examples that come from patients
  198. New eddy currents probe for tubular geometries
  199. New Therapeutic Strategies Promoting Resolution of Inflammation
  200. New Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Myeloid Malignancies
  201. Nirav S. Desai
  202. NMR services for product development and quality control – molecular identity, structure and quantity [NI-SERV-2020-11]
  203. NOVA alumni fostering entrepreneurship - UpHill success story
  204. NOVA among the finalists of the 2022 European Triple E Awards
  205. NOVA and GALP Launch WISE to Ignite Sustainable Energy Innovations - Applications Now Open!
  206. NOVA and Galp will develop new solutions for clean and renewable energies
  207. NOVA Asset Administration Shell [NI-SERV-2020-57]
  208. NOVA Awarded Best Technological Portfolio by ANI
  209. NOVA CellmAbs Spin-Off awarded by Portugal Ventures
  210. NOVA ƐrgoLab – studies on ergonomics (physical work and/or user interface development) [NI-SERV-2020-45]
  211. NOVA FCT's chatbot wins 1st prize in the Alexa Prize Taskbot Challenge 2, Assigned by Amazon
  212. NOVA has launched the third edition of the 'Academia de Empreendedorismo' now available on EdX
  213. NOVA Healthcare UX - User Experience Research in health
  214. NOVA hosted ACEEU Forum and 2024 Triple E Awards
  215. NOVA Hosts FEEF Multiplier Event to Bridge the Gap Between Academia and the Business Sector
  216. NOVA IMPACT! CHALLENGES (June 27th – July 15th, 2022)
  217. NOVA impACT! Challenges 2023 Demo Day Unveils Winning Project
  218. NOVA impACT! Challenges 2024: Applications are open until 5th June!
  219. NOVA impACT! Challenges 2024: meet the winning teams!
  220. NOVA impACT! Challenges Demo Day
  221. NOVA impACT! Challenges Final
  222. NOVA impACT! challenges is back
  223. NOVA IMS - Health & Analytics Lab [NI-SERV-2020-25]
  224. NOVA IMS - Innovation & Analytics Lab [NI-SERV-2020-24]
  225. NOVA in organizing the mind the tourism innovation program to create sustainable tourism solutions
  226. NOVA in the First Place in the Ranking of Universities with More Entrepreneurial Students
  227. NOVA Innovation Day 2021 - live streaming on 8 July
  228. NOVA is one of the Portuguese universities with the highest number of European patent applications in the last 20 years
  229. NOVA is the European Young Entrepreneurial University of the Year!
  230. NOVA joins online platform in the area of innovation that connects universities to companies
  231. NOVA joins UIIN - University Industry Innovation Network
  232. NOVA leads Innovation Challenges at EUTOPIA MORE Discovery Week in Romania
  233. NOVA Matchmaking
  234. NOVA Matchmaking Event
  235. NOVA Matchmaking Event
  236. NOVA Matchmaking Event
  237. NOVA places knowledge at the service of the city with the new Campolide Campus
  238. NOVA PSOA - Advisory in implementing and evaluating social prescription [NI-SERV-2020-54]
  239. NOVA Research Impact Narratives Challenge: Get to know the winning stories
  240. NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2023: "The hallmark of NOVA's Excellence in Research and Innovation"
  241. NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024: Celebrating the Talent and Impact of University Research and Innovation
  242. NOVA Spin-Off is a Start-Up selected for funding by the highly competitive European Innovation Council
  243. NOVA spin-off Sea4Us highlighted by the National Innovation Agency
  244. NOVA Startup Competition
  245. NOVA students develop system for monitoring symptoms of COVID-19 infection in the elderly
  246. NOVA technology for cancer treatment licensed to BioNTech
  247. NOVA University Lisbon among the TOP 3 Entrepreneurial Portuguese Universities
  248. NOVA University Lisbon Present At The Web Summit 2023
  249. NOVA's Rector highlights CoLab of Elvas as an ally of sustainability
  250. NOVA’s Starters Academy 2025: applications now open
  251. NOVAcan – NOVA corporate advice in nutrition [NI-SERV-2020-04]
  252. NOVAcnr - Clinical nutrition and metabolism research [NI-SERV-2020-05]
  253. NOVAgli – NOVA glycemic index [NI-SERV-2020-03]
  254. NOVAlia - NOVA kitchenlab @LIA [NI-SERV-2020-06]
  255. Novel and innovative D-allose synthesis method
  256. Novel Approaches Defining the Role of Gut Barrier Dysfunction in Driving Systemic Inflammation and Disease
  257. Novel Approaches for the Delivery of Viable and Healthy Cells for Cell Therapy Treatment
  258. Novel Approaches to DNA and RNA Synthesis
  259. Novel Approaches to Increase Morbillivirus Yield from Eukaryotic Cells In Vitro
  260. Novel Approaches to Treat and/or Prevent Progression of Chronic Inflammatory Skin Conditions With a Long Duration of Efficacy
  261. Novel Biological and Pharmacological Interventions for Obesity Prevention
  262. Novel Biology or Therapeutic Compounds for Treatment of Immunology & Inflammation Diseases
  263. Novel Complement Pathway Targets for the Treatment of Peripheral and Nervous System Inflammatory Disorders
  264. Novel Drug Discovery Concepts and Targets within Genetic Kidney Diseases
  265. Novel Druggable Entities for the Treatment of Key Human Pain Indications
  266. Novel Highly Tumour-restricted Antigens and Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
  267. Novel Inorganic Fillers for Next-generation Semiconductor Packaging
  268. Novel multi-resistant microbial, biofilm and biofouling hybrid isoprenoid inhibitors isolated from MAR4 strains [NI-TECH-2020-28]
  269. Novel Oral Therapeutics for the Treatment of Immunology and Inflammation Diseases
  270. Novel Strategies for Targeted Drug Delivery to CNS, Bone, Cartilage, Skeletal Muscle and Kidney Tissues
  271. Novel Targets and Treatments in Oncology and Immunology
  272. Novel Targets Involved in Ferroptosis for Therapeutic Development in Oncology
  273. Novel Technologies or Methods for Antibody-Drug Conjugation (ADC)
  274. Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Genetic Skeletal Diseases and Targeted Delivery to Bone
  275. Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Inhibit Type 2 Inflammation
  276. Novel Therapeutics and Druggable Targets for Non-malignant Hematological Diseases
  277. Novel Therapeutics for Common Skin Conditions
  278. Novel Therapeutics Targeting Disease/Tissue-specific Macrophage Biology with a Focus on Regeneration and Clearance
  279. Novel, Effective, and Differentiated Solutions for Skin Allergy Sufferers
  280. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis [NI-SERV-2020-46]
  281. Nuno Arantes-Oliveira
  282. Nuno Prego Ramos
  283. Oncology Drug Targets Exploiting Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD)
  284. Online Entrepreneurship Course for Everyone - Registrations Until 22nd of December
  285. Optimization of Industry 4.0 Operations [NI-SERV-2020-49]
  286. OptoElex – Novel Light-weight Pentacyclic amide Compounds for Optoelectronic applications
  287. Orally Bioavailable Peptides and/or Peptide Therapeutics for Modulating Intracellular Targets
  288. P-selectin antagonist Bicycles: a Novel Chemical Modality to Explore the Role of P-selectin in Disease
  289. Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme 2021/22 – Applications are open!
  290. Paper Modification and Paper Coating Infrastructure for Packaging Applications
  291. Partners from entrepreneuship project BLUES meet at NOVA
  292. Pedro Saraiva
  293. Phenylpropanoid saccharide esters, methods and uses thereof
  294. PIDLAB - Primary immunodeficiency laboratory [NI-SERV-2020-07]
  295. Plant Based Protein for Human Health, Industrial Applications and Sustainable Agriculture
  296. Portable, Energy-free Liquid Crystal-based Bacterial Sensor [NI-TECH-2020-14]
  297. Postdoctoral Research Investigating Novel Therapeutics for Chronic and Rare Diseases
  298. Practical Solutions for Methanogenesis Inhibition in Ruminants
  299. Predictive in vitro Assays for Kidney Retention by Radioconjugates
  300. Processes of Green Carbon Removal from Refractories for Recycling
  301. Production of Carbon Fiber with Low Carbon Dioxide Footprint
  302. Production of digital interactive games [NI-SERV-2020-17]
  303. Professor Elvira Fortunato is the winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020
  304. PYCC - Portuguese Yeast Culture Collection [NI-SERV-2020-41]
  305. RADIANT - Raman based probe and decision-making tool for dental diagnostics in preventive dentistry
  306. Rafael Oliveira Rodrigues
  307. Raquel Gaião Silva
  308. Reflectron Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry [NI-SERV-2020-33]
  309. Removal of micropollutants and microorganisms from aqueous matrices
  310. Research Opportunities for C-type Natriuretic Peptide
  311. Ricardo Gaminha Pacheco
  312. Risk Analysis Applied to Collections [NI-SERV-2020-56]
  313. RNA Structure and Folding Prediction Guided by Innovative Technologies
  314. Robust, Wireless Instrumentation Solution for Highspeed Measurement of In-process Frictional Forces
  315. Rui Gouveia
  316. Rui Manuel Silva
  317. Sandra Miranda Ferreira
  318. SCENT.IR - Diagnostics in a breath
  319. Science to support Policy Action in Chemicals Risk Management [NI-SERV-2020-36]
  320. Sea4US
  321. SeaBookings
  322. Second edition of NOVA's online entrepreneurship course attracted over 3000 registrations!
  323. Second edition of NOVA's online entrepreneurship course attracted over 3000 registrations!
  324. Seeking Approaches to Alter Fatty Acid and Oil Content and Composition in Annual Crops for Downstream Industrial Applications
  325. Seeking Bioderived Thermoplastic-like Resin Suitable for Vacuum Infusion or Resin Transfer Moulding
  326. Seeking Biotechnology Solutions for Pest Control in Corn, Cotton and Soybean Plants
  327. Seeking Cost-effective Biocides for the Treatment of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Source Waters
  328. Seeking Differentiated RNA Technologies for Vaccines
  329. Seeking Druggable Targets for Weight Loss
  330. Seeking Fermentation Technology to Enhance Cat Palatability
  331. Seeking Genetically-Based Early Discovery Research in Nephrology
  332. Seeking Innovative Therapies for the Treatment of Skin Disorders
  333. Seeking Materials and Processes for the Production of Porous Tubing
  334. Seeking Monogenic Targets for RNA Interference-Based Therapy
  335. Seeking Natural Ingredients that Modify the Orexin Pathway to Improve Sleep
  336. Seeking Next-generation Flame Retardants
  337. Seeking Novel Anti-tumour Antibodies
  338. Seeking Novel Applications for Polyhalite in Animal Nutrition
  339. Seeking Novel Approaches for Hair Colour Creation and the Removal of Natural & Chemical Colour Pigment & Actives from Hair
  340. Seeking Novel Approaches for Regulating Immunometabolism in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
  341. Seeking Novel Druggable Targets and Drug Candidates in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  342. Seeking Novel Druggable Targets and Drug Screening Systems in Chronic Pain
  343. Seeking Novel Drugs to Treat Autoimmune Diseases
  344. Seeking Novel Gene Regulatory Elements with Data to Confirm Efficacy in Plants
  345. Seeking Novel Innovations for Self-healing Refractories
  346. Seeking Novel Leads in Rare Diseases and Neuroscience
  347. Seeking Novel Oral or Injectable Therapeutics to Treat Obesity
  348. Seeking Novel RNA Therapeutics for Oncology Indications
  349. Seeking Novel Solutions to Treat Rare Genetic Skeletal Muscle Diseases
  350. Seeking Novel Targeted Approaches for Genetic Kidney Disease
  351. Seeking Novel Technologies for the Electrochemical Decomposition of Ammonia to Hydrogen and Nitrogen
  352. Seeking Novel Technologies to Determine Oil and Water Composition in Heavy Oil Streams
  353. Seeking Novel Therapeutics for Anxiety Management
  354. Seeking Novel Therapeutics for Pulmonary Autoimmune and Fibrotic Diseases
  355. Seeking Novel Therapies for the Treatment of Skin Disorders
  356. Seeking Opportunities for the Treatment of Rare or Orphan Diseases
  357. Seeking Organic Electro-optical Materials and/or Modulators for High-speed Communication, and Materials for Photonic Assemblies and Protective Coatings
  358. Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Gastroenterology
  359. Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Neuroscience
  360. Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Oncology
  361. Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Rare Disease
  362. Seeking Protein Engineering Approaches for Conditionally-activated Therapeutics
  363. Seeking Redevelopment Opportunities for the Treatment of Rare or Orphan Diseases
  364. Seeking Repurposed Therapeutics for the Treatment of Motor Neuron Disease
  365. Seeking Research and Technologies Related to in vivo Direct Reprogramming
  366. Seeking Serotonin Receptor Agonists to Elicit Psychedelic Effects, Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis
  367. Seeking Short Wave Infrared Thin Film Photodetector Materials
  368. Seeking Solutions for Soybean Speed Breeding
  369. Seeking Sustainable Skin Composites as an Alternative for Leather and Synthetic Leather
  370. Seeking Technologies and Approaches for the Abatement of Diffuse Dust Emissions
  371. Seeking Technologies and Approaches for the Production of Pesticide Intermediates
  372. Seeking Technologies for Sensing Analytes in Blood
  373. Seeking Technologies Related to Vitamin D and Its Application in Medical Therapy
  374. Seeking Transformational Therapeutic Approaches for Sickle Cell Disease and Beta-thalassemia
  375. Seeking Transformative Solutions to Treat Rare Skeletal Diseases
  376. Seeking Translational Early Discovery Research in Haematology
  377. Selectively Printing Molecules and Generating Images on Curved Polymers
  378. Sérgio Coimbra Henriques
  379. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction for structure solution of small molecules [NI-SERV-2020-44]
  380. Smart Fishing
  381. Solution for simultaneous localization and targets mapping optimized for aerial surveillance
  382. SQIMI
  383. Start-up of former NOVA student wins Santander Global Contest with smart box to preserve food
  384. Starters Academy: Here is another edition of NOVA's biggest and oldest Entrepreneurship Academy. Registrations are open until 2nd February.
  385. State-of-the-Art Polymer Coating Technologies for Flexible Barrier Packaging
  386. Studies in Microbiota and Microbiomics
  387. Susana Carvalho e Silva
  388. Sustainable PHA polymer production through microbial fermentation
  389. Synthetic antigen biosensor for detection of Pneumocystis pneumonia
  390. Synthetic Biology Approaches for Sustainable Production of Chemicals for the Fabric, Home Care and Beauty Industries
  391. System for Selective and Controlled Sampling of Exhaled Air
  392. Tailored People-centric Solutions to Foster Drug Development, Research, Science Communication and Health Literacy
  393. Tailored people-centric solutions to foster drug development, research, science communication and health literacy [NI-SERV-2020-09]
  394. Technologies to Address Distribution of Macromolecules in Hard-to-reach Tissues
  395. The NOVA Academia de Empreendedorismo is accessible to everyone and its applications are open
  396. The NOVA Interdisciplinary Research Community on Sustainable Energy Systems has just taken off! Join us until the end of 2023!
  397. The USE Concept
  398. Therapeutic Agents for Kidney Repair
  399. Therapeutic Small Molecule Regulators of RNA Transcripts
  400. Therapeutic Strategies to Address TDP-43 Pathology in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia
  401. Therapeutics and Drug Candidates in Immuno-Oncology
  402. Therapeutics for Glomerular and Autoimmune-related Kidney Diseases
  403. Three-Dimensional Model of Early Diabetic Retinopathy
  404. Tiago Cunha Reis
  405. Tomás Adão da Fonseca
  406. Transmedia knowledge-base for Performing Arts: a dynamic archive for creative processes
  407. Treatment of spinal cord injury
  408. UAV Technology and Innovation tools for a Sustainable Management of the Portuguese Coastal Zone [NI-SERV-2020-52]
  409. UniMS mass spectrometry unit [NI-SERV-2020-10]
  410. uxvolution
  411. Virtual Museum of Traditional Fisheries
  412. Want to be nominated to a 12-month international internship by NOVA? Apply to the Pan European Seal Programme now!
  413. We Translate On Time
  414. Web development [NI-SERV-2020-18]
  415. Web-based video annotation tool in real-time
  416. WISE Program: 35 students from NOVA are already seeking solutions capable of transforming the energy landscape
  417. WISE: the winning team of the programme has already been anounced!
  418. WOM-iCARE – topical surfactant-based hydrogel for prevention and treatment of skin and/or mucosal infections or disorders
  419. YourBiome
  420. Zeev Fisher
  421. Zero curvature polyhedric roofing


  1. About
  2. Contacts
  3. Facts and figures
  4. NOVA Impact Office
  5. Our innovation ecosystem
  6. Value Creation Council
  7. For Companies & Non-Profits
  8. Be a NOVA Mentor
  9. Collaborative Laboratories
  10. Partnerships & Collaborations
  11. Sponsorship
  12. For Students & Researchers
  13. Entrepreneurship Competitions
  14. CIRCULAR inNOVA(tion)
  15. European Innovation Academy
  16. NOVA impACT! Challenges
  17. NOVA Startup Competition
  18. Stage Two
  19. Starters Academy
  20. Entrepreneurship Training & Competitions
  21. Entrepreneurship Academy MOOC
  22. NOVA Science2Market
  23. Sciencepreneur
  24. Sciencepreneur
  25. WISE (World-Changing Innovations for Sustainable Energies)
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