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- Innovation Stories
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- Recognized Spin-offs
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- 'Resíduos na Linha' emerges victorious at the Circular InNOVA(tion) Program Demo Day
- "Research Impact Narratives Challenge” Receives Honourable Mention at the ADN Awards
- 10000
- 11
- 225
- 360º Video and 3D audio recording and post-production [NI-SERV-2020-19]
- 3D Printer - Form 2 [NI-SERV-2020-30]
- 3D Printer - Ultimaker2+ [NI-SERV-2020-31]
- 3D printing of bone-like structures for bone replacement in animals [NI-TECH-2020-17]
- 50 students from NOVA nominated to the Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme
- 670
- 98
- Accessible and Transformational Therapeutic Approaches for Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
- Adam Smith
- Advanced Materials for Incorporating Immobilised Enzymes: Preparation, Processes and Applications in Chemical Catalysis
- Advanced Materials for the Generation of Bio-Based Products via Immobilised Non-Mammalian Organisms
- Advanced thin-walled beam finite elements [NI-SERV-2020-35]
- Advances in Machine Learning [NI-SERV-2020-27]
- AI Model for automatic transcription of handwritten documents
- Albatroz Digital
- Alternative Chemistries to Liquid PFAS
- Alternative natural and biocompatible, cell cryopreservation media
- Analytical Techniques Development and Application [NI-SERV-2020-58]
- Anceus
- André Pereira
- Antibiotic-free Microbial Expression and Genetic Systems
- Antimalarial Agent, Methods and Uses Thereof
- Antimicrobial Compounds From Natural Sources
- António Câmara
- Aqua In Silico Featured on the Podcast ‘90 Seconds of Science’
- Aqua In Silico Featured on the Podcast ‘90 Seconds of Science’
- AquaInSilico
- AquaInSilico wins Innovation and Business Development Award
- Audio recording and audio post-production studios [NI-SERV-2020-14]
- Autoimmune & Inflammatory Focused Drug Discovery and Early Pre-Clinical Development
- Be Glass: Production and Characterization of Glass Samples [NI-SERV-2020-39]
- Beat the Butt®: Cigarette Case with Integrated Butt Holder
- Bernardo SottoMayor
- Bernardo Vasconcelos
- Betacode
- Bicycle® Toolbox: A Novel Chemical Modality to Explore the Role of OX40 Agonism in Disease
- BiLD Analytics
- Binaural audio recording [NI-SERV-2020-16]
- Biodegradable Micro-encapsulation of Agricultural Active Ingredients
- Biodegradable Molecules with Antimicrobial Properties for use in Cosmetic Formulations
- BioLab - Biological and Chemical Analysis Facility [NI-SERV-2020-42]
- Biotechnology Innovations in Plant Science, Agriculture and Food
- BIOTROP - Biotropical Resources Biobank [NI-SERV-2020-20]
- Bitumen Beyond Combustion: Seeking Non-combustion Uses for Asphaltenes Derived from Bitumen
- Block Windowed Burst Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Transmission Method with Window Overlapping and Time-Interleaving
- BLOODless – Blood-free Diet for Rearing Malaria Mosquito Vectors
- Bruno Nascimento
- CaixaImpulse Programme: Half of the portuguese projects selected by the "la Caixa" Foundation are by NOVA Researchers
- CAPSEL – Cellulose Aluminium Polymer multi-ions composite Solid-electrolyte and Capacitors [NI-TECH-2020-18]
- Care4it
- Carla Portela
- Celebrate World Intellectual Property Day with NOVA
- CellmAbs
- César Nogueira
- Check out the NOVA Innovation Day
- Chemical Analysis Laboratory - LAQV-REQUIMTE
- Chimeric Antigen Receptor Construct for Novel Oncology CAR-T Cell Therapy
- Chroma key video studio [NI-SERV-2020-15]
- Circular inNOVA(tion) is the latest partnership with Sociedade Ponto Verde
- Circular inNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
- Circular inNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
- Circular InNOVA(tion) Program: Phase Two!
- Circular InNOVA(tion): Phase Two!
- Cláudia Quaresma
- Clinical research unit of NOVA [NI-SERV-2020-01]
- Colorimetric Method for Detection of Amplified Genetic Material
- ColoRIR represent NOVA at Born from Knowledge - Ideas
- com@Rehab project - Santander-NOVA Collaborative Research Award
- Composition for Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Compound for Treating Fungal Infections
- Compound with Antimalarial and Antimicrobial Activity
- Computational Model to Guide Molecular Glue Drug Discovery
- Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing Insights [NI-SERV-2020-29]
- Controlled Activation of Amine or Amide Hardeners for Industrial Coatings
- Controlled Release of Orally Delivered Dosage Forms
- Crystalsense – electronic nose using novel gas sensing materials
- CrystalTwins – gas sensing technology for fine alcohol discrimination [NI-TECH-2020-20]
- Cutin oligomers for prevention and treatment of plant diseases
- David Magboulé
- Dendritic cell-based therapies for cancer treatment
- Des Solutio
- Design and Fabrication of Suspended, Thin Film Devices
- Design of an Engineered Alcohol Dehydrogenase
- Design of Digital and Sustainable Supply Chains [NI-SERV-2020-48]
- Design, Experimentation and Simulation in Engineering [NI-SERV-2020-59]
- Developing a pocket-size test for COVID-19
- Device to help patients with respiratory diseases using the inhaler wins NOVA ImpACT! Challenges
- Diana Franco da Silva
- Differentiated Solutions for Long-term Resolution of Chronic Autoimmunity
- Digital innovation and business transformation services [NI-SERV-2020-26]
- Dina Chaves
- Druggable Antibacterial Targets and Bactericidal Compounds
- Druggable Targets in Diseases Due to Mucociliary Dysfunction and Bronchiectasis
- Dzhamil Oda
- eBreathie wins NOVA Start-Up Competition!
- Eduardo Freire Rodrigues
- EK reactor - electrodialytic technology as a pre-treatment for wastewater reuse applications [NI-TECH-2020-05]
- Empowerment of Patients' Associations [NI-SERV-2020-43]
- Engineered enzyme-like polymer particles for catalytic processes [NI-TECH-2020-31]
- Enhancing Targeted Drug Delivery for Diseases Affecting the CNS, Muscle, Heart, and Kidney
- Environmental Burden of Disease Analysis [NI-SERV-2020-37]
- Exploring Common Pathological Mechanisms Translatable to Skin Diseases
- Explosion Energy Dissipation System
- Eyal Amitai
- FCT NOVA researchers help develop open source pulmonary ventilator
- Fernanda Llussá
- First edition of the ImPact @ NOVA is here!
- From fighting cancer to COVID-19
- Generation of iPSC-derived T Cells for Therapeutic Use
- Genetic Medicine Approaches to Treat Rare Diseases
- GeoBioTec / NOVA - Expertise [NI-SERV-2020-34]
- Gil Batista
- Glooma
- GLOOMA is the big winner of NOVA Startup Competition 2024!
- Green infrastructures, ecosystems based-management and nature-based solutions. Tools for sustainable land management [NI-SERV-2020-50]
- Green plastic antibodies
- Green syngas from carbon dioxide
- Guilherme Meneses
- Hélder Lopes
- Here are the winners of Starters Academy 2024!
- High Throughput Plant Regulatory Element Evaluation Capability
- High-speed 3D Scanning Technologies for Oral Applications
- Home Fragrance Delivery, Noticeability and Modelling in the Air
- How the Microbiome can be Affected Positively for Health and Wellbeing
- Hugo Gamboa
- ImPact @ NOVA | Health & Biotech | Powered by Patentree
- ImPact @ NOVA | Powered by J. Pereira da Cruz
- ImPact @ NOVA held successfuly
- ImPact @ NOVA: Software+AI | Powered by J. Pereira da Cruz
- Improving the Fermentation of Filamentous Fungi
- Improving the Precision of Immunotherapies Through Cell Targeting
- In Vivo Arthropod Security Facility – VIASEF [NI-SERV-2020-21]
- In-Silico, Predictive Formulation Development Tools and Computational Methods
- Inês Perez
- Innovation district brings a new geography of innovation and internationalization to the greater lisbon region
- Innovation in Intraocular Lenses and Injectors for Cataract Surgery
- Innovations in Platform Technologies: New Modalities and Drug Delivery Systems
- Innovations to Treat and Diagnose Lymphatics-Based Diseases
- Innovative Approaches for the Treatment of Nucleotide Repeat Expansion Disorders
- Innovative DMPK and Safety Research for Therapeutics and Drug Delivery Systems
- Innovative one-pot method for synthesis of a chemical building block in human healthcare, from succinic acid in carbon dioxide and ionic liquid media. [NI-TECH-2020-27]
- Innovative process for obtaining multiple Polymer Ionic Liquid (PILs) gels electrolytes from renewable source
- Innovative Therapeutic Targets, Drugs, Disease Mechanisms and Technologies in Neuroscience
- Innovative Therapies for the Treatment of SkinDisorders
- Insights into Polycystic Kidney Disease Pathogenesis
- Intuitivo is the winner of the NOVA Start-Up Competition!
- INVISIBLE, winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020
- Isabel Rocha
- Javali
- João Caxaria
- João Mendes Borga
- João Paiva Mendes
- José Falcão de Berredo
- José Pereira Leal
- Knowledge to improve cities [NI-SERV-2020-28]
- Koala Tech
- Laboratory of Leptospirosis and Lyme Borreliosis [NI-SERV-2020-22]
- Laser System PLS6MW: Cutting and Engraving Machine [NI-SERV-2020-32]
- Lean, Agile and Digital Healthcare Systems [NI-SERV-2020-47]
- Levacells
- Life sciences and health solutions highlighted in the first edition of sciencepreneur hands-on
- Limonene ibuprofen therapeutic deep eutectic system for Anticancer Therapy [NI-TECH-2020-10]
- Linux Ubuntu server [NI-SERV-2020-23]
- Lourenço Gouveia Booth
- Low energy electron interactions with gas-phase molecules for pharmaceutical applications
- Low-cost and high-performance 3D printed advanced ceramic materials [NI-TECH-2020-16]
- Lung function assessment and inflammatory biomarkers of the airways [NI-SERV-2020-02]
- Magycal
- Marco António Silva
- Maria Catarina Batista
- Mariana Duarte
- Mario Chessa
- Marta Sousa Monteiro
- Measuring Pollutants in Museus or other Institutions with Cultural Heritage [NI-SERV-2020-55]
- Mechanism of Exosome Uptake from the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Meight Technologies
- Menthol-fatty acids eutectic systems as anti-bacterial agents and wound healing enhancers
- Metabolomics Data Analysis Service [NI-SERV-2020-38]
- Method for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates using phototrophic mixed cultures and CO2 as carbon source
- Methods of CO2 Conversion to Chemical Products by Catalytic Routes
- METROVAC - Laboratory for vacuum technology and metrology [NI-SERV-2020-40]
- Microencapsulation for Agrochemical Formulations
- Microfluidic device intergrading a selectively permeable membrane and a 3D vascular network for the in vitro development of anatomical-functional barrier
- Microplastics research and analyses [NI-SERV-2020-53]
- Miguel Alves Martins
- Modatta and Yourbiome are the winners of the NOVA STARTUP Competition
- Molecular Strategies for Targeted Drug Delivery to the Joints
- Nano4 Global
- Nathália Rosa Braga
- Naturity®, by Amorim Cork and NOVA School of Science and Technology
- Necessity is the mother of invention - Examples that come from patients
- New eddy currents probe for tubular geometries
- New Therapeutic Strategies Promoting Resolution of Inflammation
- New Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Myeloid Malignancies
- Nirav S. Desai
- NMR services for product development and quality control – molecular identity, structure and quantity [NI-SERV-2020-11]
- NOVA alumni fostering entrepreneurship - UpHill success story
- NOVA among the finalists of the 2022 European Triple E Awards
- NOVA and GALP Launch WISE to Ignite Sustainable Energy Innovations - Applications Now Open!
- NOVA and Galp will develop new solutions for clean and renewable energies
- NOVA Asset Administration Shell [NI-SERV-2020-57]
- NOVA Awarded Best Technological Portfolio by ANI
- NOVA CellmAbs Spin-Off awarded by Portugal Ventures
- NOVA ƐrgoLab – studies on ergonomics (physical work and/or user interface development) [NI-SERV-2020-45]
- NOVA FCT's chatbot wins 1st prize in the Alexa Prize Taskbot Challenge 2, Assigned by Amazon
- NOVA has launched the third edition of the 'Academia de Empreendedorismo' now available on EdX
- NOVA Healthcare UX - User Experience Research in health
- NOVA hosted ACEEU Forum and 2024 Triple E Awards
- NOVA Hosts FEEF Multiplier Event to Bridge the Gap Between Academia and the Business Sector
- NOVA IMPACT! CHALLENGES (June 27th – July 15th, 2022)
- NOVA impACT! Challenges 2023 Demo Day Unveils Winning Project
- NOVA impACT! Challenges 2024: Applications are open until 5th June!
- NOVA impACT! Challenges 2024: meet the winning teams!
- NOVA impACT! Challenges Demo Day
- NOVA impACT! Challenges Final
- NOVA impACT! challenges is back
- NOVA IMS - Health & Analytics Lab [NI-SERV-2020-25]
- NOVA IMS - Innovation & Analytics Lab [NI-SERV-2020-24]
- NOVA in organizing the mind the tourism innovation program to create sustainable tourism solutions
- NOVA in the First Place in the Ranking of Universities with More Entrepreneurial Students
- NOVA Innovation Day 2021 - live streaming on 8 July
- NOVA is one of the Portuguese universities with the highest number of European patent applications in the last 20 years
- NOVA is the European Young Entrepreneurial University of the Year!
- NOVA joins online platform in the area of innovation that connects universities to companies
- NOVA joins UIIN - University Industry Innovation Network
- NOVA leads Innovation Challenges at EUTOPIA MORE Discovery Week in Romania
- NOVA Matchmaking
- NOVA Matchmaking Event
- NOVA Matchmaking Event
- NOVA Matchmaking Event
- NOVA places knowledge at the service of the city with the new Campolide Campus
- NOVA PSOA - Advisory in implementing and evaluating social prescription [NI-SERV-2020-54]
- NOVA Research Impact Narratives Challenge: Get to know the winning stories
- NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2023: "The hallmark of NOVA's Excellence in Research and Innovation"
- NOVA Science & Innovation Day 2024: Celebrating the Talent and Impact of University Research and Innovation
- NOVA Spin-Off is a Start-Up selected for funding by the highly competitive European Innovation Council
- NOVA spin-off Sea4Us highlighted by the National Innovation Agency
- NOVA Startup Competition
- NOVA students develop system for monitoring symptoms of COVID-19 infection in the elderly
- NOVA technology for cancer treatment licensed to BioNTech
- NOVA University Lisbon among the TOP 3 Entrepreneurial Portuguese Universities
- NOVA University Lisbon Present At The Web Summit 2023
- NOVA's Rector highlights CoLab of Elvas as an ally of sustainability
- NOVA’s Starters Academy 2025: applications now open
- NOVAcan – NOVA corporate advice in nutrition [NI-SERV-2020-04]
- NOVAcnr - Clinical nutrition and metabolism research [NI-SERV-2020-05]
- NOVAgli – NOVA glycemic index [NI-SERV-2020-03]
- NOVAlia - NOVA kitchenlab @LIA [NI-SERV-2020-06]
- Novel and innovative D-allose synthesis method
- Novel Approaches Defining the Role of Gut Barrier Dysfunction in Driving Systemic Inflammation and Disease
- Novel Approaches for the Delivery of Viable and Healthy Cells for Cell Therapy Treatment
- Novel Approaches to DNA and RNA Synthesis
- Novel Approaches to Increase Morbillivirus Yield from Eukaryotic Cells In Vitro
- Novel Approaches to Treat and/or Prevent Progression of Chronic Inflammatory Skin Conditions With a Long Duration of Efficacy
- Novel Biological and Pharmacological Interventions for Obesity Prevention
- Novel Biology or Therapeutic Compounds for Treatment of Immunology & Inflammation Diseases
- Novel Complement Pathway Targets for the Treatment of Peripheral and Nervous System Inflammatory Disorders
- Novel Drug Discovery Concepts and Targets within Genetic Kidney Diseases
- Novel Druggable Entities for the Treatment of Key Human Pain Indications
- Novel Highly Tumour-restricted Antigens and Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
- Novel Inorganic Fillers for Next-generation Semiconductor Packaging
- Novel multi-resistant microbial, biofilm and biofouling hybrid isoprenoid inhibitors isolated from MAR4 strains [NI-TECH-2020-28]
- Novel Oral Therapeutics for the Treatment of Immunology and Inflammation Diseases
- Novel Strategies for Targeted Drug Delivery to CNS, Bone, Cartilage, Skeletal Muscle and Kidney Tissues
- Novel Targets and Treatments in Oncology and Immunology
- Novel Targets Involved in Ferroptosis for Therapeutic Development in Oncology
- Novel Technologies or Methods for Antibody-Drug Conjugation (ADC)
- Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Genetic Skeletal Diseases and Targeted Delivery to Bone
- Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Inhibit Type 2 Inflammation
- Novel Therapeutics and Druggable Targets for Non-malignant Hematological Diseases
- Novel Therapeutics for Common Skin Conditions
- Novel Therapeutics Targeting Disease/Tissue-specific Macrophage Biology with a Focus on Regeneration and Clearance
- Novel, Effective, and Differentiated Solutions for Skin Allergy Sufferers
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis [NI-SERV-2020-46]
- Nuno Arantes-Oliveira
- Nuno Prego Ramos
- Oncology Drug Targets Exploiting Targeted Protein Degradation (TPD)
- Online Entrepreneurship Course for Everyone - Registrations Until 22nd of December
- Optimization of Industry 4.0 Operations [NI-SERV-2020-49]
- OptoElex – Novel Light-weight Pentacyclic amide Compounds for Optoelectronic applications
- Orally Bioavailable Peptides and/or Peptide Therapeutics for Modulating Intracellular Targets
- P-selectin antagonist Bicycles: a Novel Chemical Modality to Explore the Role of P-selectin in Disease
- Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme 2021/22 – Applications are open!
- Paper Modification and Paper Coating Infrastructure for Packaging Applications
- Partners from entrepreneuship project BLUES meet at NOVA
- Pedro Saraiva
- Phenylpropanoid saccharide esters, methods and uses thereof
- PIDLAB - Primary immunodeficiency laboratory [NI-SERV-2020-07]
- Plant Based Protein for Human Health, Industrial Applications and Sustainable Agriculture
- Portable, Energy-free Liquid Crystal-based Bacterial Sensor [NI-TECH-2020-14]
- Postdoctoral Research Investigating Novel Therapeutics for Chronic and Rare Diseases
- Practical Solutions for Methanogenesis Inhibition in Ruminants
- Predictive in vitro Assays for Kidney Retention by Radioconjugates
- Processes of Green Carbon Removal from Refractories for Recycling
- Production of Carbon Fiber with Low Carbon Dioxide Footprint
- Production of digital interactive games [NI-SERV-2020-17]
- Professor Elvira Fortunato is the winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020
- PYCC - Portuguese Yeast Culture Collection [NI-SERV-2020-41]
- RADIANT - Raman based probe and decision-making tool for dental diagnostics in preventive dentistry
- Rafael Oliveira Rodrigues
- Raquel Gaião Silva
- Reflectron Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry [NI-SERV-2020-33]
- Removal of micropollutants and microorganisms from aqueous matrices
- Research Opportunities for C-type Natriuretic Peptide
- Ricardo Gaminha Pacheco
- Risk Analysis Applied to Collections [NI-SERV-2020-56]
- RNA Structure and Folding Prediction Guided by Innovative Technologies
- Robust, Wireless Instrumentation Solution for Highspeed Measurement of In-process Frictional Forces
- Rui Gouveia
- Rui Manuel Silva
- Sandra Miranda Ferreira
- SCENT.IR - Diagnostics in a breath
- Science to support Policy Action in Chemicals Risk Management [NI-SERV-2020-36]
- Sea4US
- SeaBookings
- Second edition of NOVA's online entrepreneurship course attracted over 3000 registrations!
- Second edition of NOVA's online entrepreneurship course attracted over 3000 registrations!
- Seeking Approaches to Alter Fatty Acid and Oil Content and Composition in Annual Crops for Downstream Industrial Applications
- Seeking Bioderived Thermoplastic-like Resin Suitable for Vacuum Infusion or Resin Transfer Moulding
- Seeking Biotechnology Solutions for Pest Control in Corn, Cotton and Soybean Plants
- Seeking Cost-effective Biocides for the Treatment of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria in Source Waters
- Seeking Differentiated RNA Technologies for Vaccines
- Seeking Druggable Targets for Weight Loss
- Seeking Fermentation Technology to Enhance Cat Palatability
- Seeking Genetically-Based Early Discovery Research in Nephrology
- Seeking Innovative Therapies for the Treatment of Skin Disorders
- Seeking Materials and Processes for the Production of Porous Tubing
- Seeking Monogenic Targets for RNA Interference-Based Therapy
- Seeking Natural Ingredients that Modify the Orexin Pathway to Improve Sleep
- Seeking Next-generation Flame Retardants
- Seeking Novel Anti-tumour Antibodies
- Seeking Novel Applications for Polyhalite in Animal Nutrition
- Seeking Novel Approaches for Hair Colour Creation and the Removal of Natural & Chemical Colour Pigment & Actives from Hair
- Seeking Novel Approaches for Regulating Immunometabolism in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
- Seeking Novel Druggable Targets and Drug Candidates in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Seeking Novel Druggable Targets and Drug Screening Systems in Chronic Pain
- Seeking Novel Drugs to Treat Autoimmune Diseases
- Seeking Novel Gene Regulatory Elements with Data to Confirm Efficacy in Plants
- Seeking Novel Innovations for Self-healing Refractories
- Seeking Novel Leads in Rare Diseases and Neuroscience
- Seeking Novel Oral or Injectable Therapeutics to Treat Obesity
- Seeking Novel RNA Therapeutics for Oncology Indications
- Seeking Novel Solutions to Treat Rare Genetic Skeletal Muscle Diseases
- Seeking Novel Targeted Approaches for Genetic Kidney Disease
- Seeking Novel Technologies for the Electrochemical Decomposition of Ammonia to Hydrogen and Nitrogen
- Seeking Novel Technologies to Determine Oil and Water Composition in Heavy Oil Streams
- Seeking Novel Therapeutics for Anxiety Management
- Seeking Novel Therapeutics for Pulmonary Autoimmune and Fibrotic Diseases
- Seeking Novel Therapies for the Treatment of Skin Disorders
- Seeking Opportunities for the Treatment of Rare or Orphan Diseases
- Seeking Organic Electro-optical Materials and/or Modulators for High-speed Communication, and Materials for Photonic Assemblies and Protective Coatings
- Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Gastroenterology
- Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Neuroscience
- Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Oncology
- Seeking Phenotypic Cellular Assays Relating to Rare Disease
- Seeking Protein Engineering Approaches for Conditionally-activated Therapeutics
- Seeking Redevelopment Opportunities for the Treatment of Rare or Orphan Diseases
- Seeking Repurposed Therapeutics for the Treatment of Motor Neuron Disease
- Seeking Research and Technologies Related to in vivo Direct Reprogramming
- Seeking Serotonin Receptor Agonists to Elicit Psychedelic Effects, Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis
- Seeking Short Wave Infrared Thin Film Photodetector Materials
- Seeking Solutions for Soybean Speed Breeding
- Seeking Sustainable Skin Composites as an Alternative for Leather and Synthetic Leather
- Seeking Technologies and Approaches for the Abatement of Diffuse Dust Emissions
- Seeking Technologies and Approaches for the Production of Pesticide Intermediates
- Seeking Technologies for Sensing Analytes in Blood
- Seeking Technologies Related to Vitamin D and Its Application in Medical Therapy
- Seeking Transformational Therapeutic Approaches for Sickle Cell Disease and Beta-thalassemia
- Seeking Transformative Solutions to Treat Rare Skeletal Diseases
- Seeking Translational Early Discovery Research in Haematology
- Selectively Printing Molecules and Generating Images on Curved Polymers
- Sérgio Coimbra Henriques
- Single-crystal X-ray diffraction for structure solution of small molecules [NI-SERV-2020-44]
- Smart Fishing
- Solution for simultaneous localization and targets mapping optimized for aerial surveillance
- Start-up of former NOVA student wins Santander Global Contest with smart box to preserve food
- Starters Academy: Here is another edition of NOVA's biggest and oldest Entrepreneurship Academy. Registrations are open until 2nd February.
- State-of-the-Art Polymer Coating Technologies for Flexible Barrier Packaging
- Studies in Microbiota and Microbiomics
- Susana Carvalho e Silva
- Sustainable PHA polymer production through microbial fermentation
- Synthetic antigen biosensor for detection of Pneumocystis pneumonia
- Synthetic Biology Approaches for Sustainable Production of Chemicals for the Fabric, Home Care and Beauty Industries
- System for Selective and Controlled Sampling of Exhaled Air
- Tailored People-centric Solutions to Foster Drug Development, Research, Science Communication and Health Literacy
- Tailored people-centric solutions to foster drug development, research, science communication and health literacy [NI-SERV-2020-09]
- Technologies to Address Distribution of Macromolecules in Hard-to-reach Tissues
- The NOVA Academia de Empreendedorismo is accessible to everyone and its applications are open
- The NOVA Interdisciplinary Research Community on Sustainable Energy Systems has just taken off! Join us until the end of 2023!
- The USE Concept
- Therapeutic Agents for Kidney Repair
- Therapeutic Small Molecule Regulators of RNA Transcripts
- Therapeutic Strategies to Address TDP-43 Pathology in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia
- Therapeutics and Drug Candidates in Immuno-Oncology
- Therapeutics for Glomerular and Autoimmune-related Kidney Diseases
- Three-Dimensional Model of Early Diabetic Retinopathy
- Tiago Cunha Reis
- Tomás Adão da Fonseca
- Transmedia knowledge-base for Performing Arts: a dynamic archive for creative processes
- Treatment of spinal cord injury
- UAV Technology and Innovation tools for a Sustainable Management of the Portuguese Coastal Zone [NI-SERV-2020-52]
- UniMS mass spectrometry unit [NI-SERV-2020-10]
- uxvolution
- Virtual Museum of Traditional Fisheries
- Want to be nominated to a 12-month international internship by NOVA? Apply to the Pan European Seal Programme now!
- We Translate On Time
- Web development [NI-SERV-2020-18]
- Web-based video annotation tool in real-time
- WISE Program: 35 students from NOVA are already seeking solutions capable of transforming the energy landscape
- WISE: the winning team of the programme has already been anounced!
- WOM-iCARE – topical surfactant-based hydrogel for prevention and treatment of skin and/or mucosal infections or disorders
- YourBiome
- Zeev Fisher
- Zero curvature polyhedric roofing
- About
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- For Students & Researchers
- Entrepreneurship Competitions
- European Innovation Academy
- NOVA impACT! Challenges
- NOVA Startup Competition
- Stage Two
- Starters Academy
- Entrepreneurship Training & Competitions
- Entrepreneurship Academy MOOC
- NOVA Science2Market
- Sciencepreneur
- Sciencepreneur
- WISE (World-Changing Innovations for Sustainable Energies)
- Events
- ImPact @ NOVA | Powered by J. Pereira da Cruz
- IP & Knowledge Valorization
- FAQs
- Innovation Masterclasses
- Intellectual property
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer Process
- Modular Intellectual Property Education Framework
- Pan-European Seal Young Professionals Programme 2025/2026
- Tell about your research outcomes
- NOVA Matchmaking
- NOVA Mentor Network
- NOVA Spin-Off® Applications
- Start and Grow a Company
- Home
- Home
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- Health Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Team